biau(just wake-up) @@ : "in the kitchen lah"
me :"u come & see 1st"
biau :"yi?? "
me :"......................"
biau :"....................."
after 10 minutes.........................
neighbor:" your 2 gas tong also been stolen?"
me & biau "YES!! ~.~"
neighbor :" the whole street houses gas tong all been stolen"
walauleh........thief visit our house last night.
besides gas tongs, nothing lose.
consider lucky of unlucky.
( maybe he today have to cook a lot, a BIG PARTY)
1 gas tong = B$100 !!!!!
i need to buy 2 gas tong again.
mou lala have to spent money lagi.
"Pada 1 hari bulan March, 2008, 7am. Seperti biasa saya bangun, hendak masak sarapan pagi, semasa menyalakan api, tiada api. Saya check di bawah lalu terperanjat memdapati bahawa dua tong gas saya hilang dicuri!! Saya pun melapor polis selepas itu."
this is a report wrote by wen biau at Police station.
REMEMBER!!! at Brunei, Police number is 993, dont dial 999 (we dial and wait for no one to pick up the phone.............)
REMEMBER!!! at Brunei, Police number is 993, dont dial 999 (we dial and wait for no one to pick up the phone.............)
aih......without gas (saturday) and probably tmr also cannot cook loh....
hmmm, so tonight.... eat Korean Food la~~ :D~~
hehehheeh, yummmy yummy~~ the only korea restaurant in brunei oh, we tot business not so good, but today many ppl ohh!! lucky we go early~ :D
hmmm, so tonight.... eat Korean Food la~~ :D~~
hehehheeh, yummmy yummy~~ the only korea restaurant in brunei oh, we tot business not so good, but today many ppl ohh!! lucky we go early~ :D
hhehehe, really delicious ohh~~ sad mood all gone already >:D (coughing.....coughing.... yaya, i am sick...)
(The Next Day)
Eh? Hmmm, I didnt cough for whole nite! and my running nose is gone ^D^
Kimchi, EVERYONE!! It is so miracle, when u deman, go eat KIMCHI!!!
(You know H5N1 not affect korea, y? because they eat KIMCHI!!)
afternoon..... i saw my poor boy boy.... vege, meat, seafood?.... the "bot" look a bit small too.....
2 heart from you:
suprise? I told the kicthen is inside the house and it's lock right then how the theft manage enter ur house without wake up anyone in the house and some more one row of ur housing area. Really suprise. Nowadays really got alot suprise from this world. Another suprise wondering how the JI Leader manage to escape from Detention Centre at Spore. Anywhere that's joke of the yrs from Spore Police Force.
our kitchen got two, one side is dry kitchen, no cooking. outside is wet kitchen, for cooking purpose.... that is y they just need to climb across a fence then they are free to take the gas away.
but anywhere, one of the houses, they make the wet kitchen inside their house, and the "Not so 2pid thief" still manage to break through unknowing by the own .... ~_~
heheh, william, u must take care at singapore oh, when u wan to go australia? dont let the terrorist tangkap ohh... singapore is dangerous ~~~~~~~
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